Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I Quit!

Today, I quit my job. I called up the place that I was working and asked to speak to the manager. The manager that I talked to seemed like he had some common sense whenever I worked with him. I was talking to him and told him "I'm gonna quit." His response to the news was a simple "Quit what?" I paused for a second thinking that it would eventually sink in. After about 3-5 seconds I slowly said "I'm quitting work." It was like I had to break down "I quit" to someone so they could understand it! I was shocked! I mean, what do you do in a situation like that. How do you break down 2 simple words to someone who is suppose to have at LEAST a high school education? Well in this case, it really doesn't matter how much education he has because today he was my close encounter of the stupid kind!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well That Proves It! I Knew They Would Hire Any Dumbies When U And Tab Got A Job And Now I Am Positive Of It! J/P LOL