Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Not Knowing is the worse kind of Stupidity

For this one, I don't even have to go into many details. I got into a conversation with a person on yahoo messenger who's status was something like "All men are born with the same "stupid" gene." So naturally I had to talk to her. I changed her name to Her so she can have peace with her moment.....

Her: i knew ud say somethin
Cliff: ur're sterotyping
Her: how
Cliff: u said ALL men
Her: my aunt said the same thang bout her husband
Cliff: ur judging all men
Her: that he acts stupid
Cliff: and?
Her: its true
Cliff: just because he's stupid don't mean everyone else is stupid
Her: i bet i could get 9 out of 10 women to say that bout their men
Her: or admit that bout their man
Cliff: well if it's their man.........and he's stupid....but yet they stay with them........they're just as stupid if not more
Her: we all have our moments, but men seem to have more stupid moments than us women
Cliff: if u sleep better at night thinkin that.....i won't argue with u
Her: good
Cliff: i'd hate to crush everything u believe in

Notice how when I said that the woman was just as stupid if not more than the guy if she stays with him she never acknowledged it. Wonder why? Things that make you say "hmmm?" I think I made a valid point. If she only knew how much it sounded like she had this "stupid gene" she was talking about I think she would have just been quiet. So "Her" you are yet another close encounter with stupidity I've had today! CONGRATS!!!!!


Anonymous said...

All men? Well I can say that some men have their stupid moments, not saying all men though. But yeah she was sterotyping

Anonymous said...

No, I don't think she is sterotyping. She's really telling the truth. Half of the men in this world are assholes or just plain stupid.