Monday, September 26, 2005

Fire vs Water?

A few days ago, I was playing Halo 2 on Xbox Live with 2 friends of mine. We were on a pretty good winning streak in Team Snipers. (For everyone who doesn’t know, Team Snipers is a game type in which everyone has sniper rifles. The object of the game is to be the first team to get 50 kills.) We entered this one game where we were the Blue team and of course the other team was the Red team. The game went pretty good for us and we beat them pretty badly. The final score was 50-39. (Click here to see the stats for the game) Well, in the Post Game Lobby, everyone started trash talking. It was like divine intervention when everyone in the lobby got quiet to hear the next comment from Lord Cracker (that’s the guys Gamer Tag for Xbox Live). The following is his exact statement:

“You’re blue and we’re red. You’re water and we’re fire, so who would win in a real fight between fire and water!?”

There was like 3 seconds of silence before everyone said “WATER YOU IDIOT!!!” They guy’s teammates told him that the more he talked the stupider he made himself look. So if anyone who reads this has an Xbox Live account, send a friend request to him and say these exact words to him “On September 26, 2005 you were featured Oxmancometh’s blog because you were his close encounter of the stupid kind, BIATCH!!”


Soul Shadow 001 said...

ya that idiot was funny

Anonymous said...

wow just wow