I am all about standing up for what my beliefs and rights. I would expect everyone reading this to feel the same. What I don’t understand is this “occupy” movement. I don’t understand how so many people can get behind this thing and yet, no one has a clue about what is going on!
A brief background about this crap: it all started in Spain. Yeah, I said it, Spain. Apparently, the people of Spain got caught up in this “Arab Spring” and began their own protests against their government. Since there are like 5 Arabs living in Spain, they couldn’t be considered part of the “Arab Spring” so their protests became known as the Spanish Indignant movement. A few weeks later, a group in Canada called Adbusters Media Foundation decided that it would be cool to come up with something that would equal the attention in the eastern part of the world. So they came up with the idea to organize a protest on Wall Street. TIMEOUT! A group of CANADIANS who got their idea from the SPANISH, who got their idea from the ARABS decided to protest something in AMERICA! Yeah, that’s how messed up this whole thing is. Anyway, the Canadians decided to protest corporate influence on democracy. Thus, “Occupy Wall Street” began. As you all can see on TV, it has grown to other things since then.
I won’t even address the obvious problems of people from other countries taking it upon themselves to use our freedoms in our country to try to change our system of democracy. I’ll leave that one alone. The part of all this that irks me more than anything is when an “occupier” is interviewed, one of the first things they say is “we can’t find jobs, we can’t buy homes, we just can’t get ahead under our current system”. Let’s keep in mind that a majority of these protestors are college aged people (18-24). I would imagine all they say is true. How would anyone be able to find a job when they’re too busy “occupying” everything but a job application line? How can you buy a home when you can’t “occupy” anything other than your parents’ bank accounts? Maybe I’m the stupid one here when I say, GO LOOK FOR WORK AND DON’T EXPECT EVERYTHING TO BE HANDED TO YOU!! What’s that? That won’t change anything? Ok, well if you really want to change the way our system works I will tell you how.
There is a misconception that change happens at the top. VERY rarely does change come from the top. Change begins at the bottom. Think about it. Let’s say you’re a citizen of a colony founded by, oh let’s say Britain. Also, let’s just assume you were being taxed by Britain but yet not getting any say to where and what the money goes to (not that this has ever happened or anything). Do you really think that the king of Britain or even the leaders of the colonies would be like “You know we should let them have some say about this”? Heck no! Why? They’re still gonna get their money either way. The king of course got richer and the leaders of the colonies were paid to collect the taxes. Everyone in that chain were beneficiaries of the system. It took the people on the bottom to say, “If I’m paying, I should have say in where it goes”. They went to the top. They wrote letters, they complained to their leaders and nothing worked. So they stopped paying taxes. Wouldn’t you know it; we’re a free country today because of it.
I said all that to say this; if you want to change our system, “occupy” elected offices. If you really think you have all the people behind you that you say you do, run for state or federal offices. Start bringing about the change you want that way. “Occupy” Congress with bills that support your cause.
The only things you’re “occupying” now are parks and welfare lines. Which kinda defeats your cause right!? But it supports my cause to point out yet another close encounter with stupidity!
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