Thursday, October 14, 2010

Letting Go

I never thought this day would come. The day when it would be best that I let go. The day when I let go of my blog. I've thought about this for a while and I think it's best that I do it now rather than hold on to it longer. I feel like I've been holding it back from it's full potential.

That's not to say that I won't have some kind of input to what happens with "Close Encounters of the Stupid Kind", I'm just stepping back...way back...and allow someone else to take it and make it grow. The person who will be taking over will be good to her, I know this for a fact. Thomas Paine will begin his work soon. I know him well and know that if you liked my postings/stories, you will love his. I will allow him to introduce himself with his first post.

This blog has been a lot of things for me. I've posted/ranted about a lot of things and it has helped me personally. Now, I must step back in order to help myself and the blog. I'm gonna miss everyone who reads this blog and comment on the posts. I love you all! If at anytime you want to email or chat with me, my contact info is the same: email - Facebook - Clifton Oxendine, Yahoo messenger: o_rock

I know this isn't a close encounter of the stupid kind, for me, this is a close encounter with myself.

Thank you!

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