Ok a while back I talked about how much it pisses me off to see someone cruising in a convertible with the top down and the windows up! I got some comments about that. One of the comments made me feel bad for about 3 seconds. The comment was "Well some people keep the windows up so the wind won't blow their hair around while they're driving." Ok. That one almost got me, UNTIL someone snapped this picture. As you can see the driver has the top down, the windows up, and a hat on his head. Ok, so call me crazy but I think that argument just got blown out of the water! So now, there is absolutely no reason why anyone with a drop top should have the windows up when the top is down! If you're one of the people who keep the windows up and you're reading this, you need to re-evaluate your self-worth. You're ignorant to the concept of a convertible. You're nothing but an oxygen thief and I wish you would stop depriving some village of its local idiot.
Oh yeah I almost forgot, you're also my close encounter of the stupid kind.......again!
Why do you consist on trying to make people look and feel stupid or talk about them behind their back. To me, it seems as if your a low life person and don't have anything else to do other jacking off. Your the FUCKING IDIOT.
^^^^ i think ur the guy in the car!!!
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