Monday, March 26, 2012


Did you hear about the Bushmaster XM-15 semiautomatic .223 caliber rifle that went on a killing spree along the interstate? How about the Walther P22 and Glock 19 that walked into a school and killed 32 students, faculty and staff? No? Perhaps you heard of the M-4 rifle and M9 pistol that got together one night and killed 17 people? This one you must have heard; a 9MM pistol was a self-appointed night watchman and killed someone who looked “suspicious”.

The recent controversy in Florida about Trayvon Martin has spurred all kinds of opinions about what happened. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion on things but at the same time, those opinions should have at least a breath of common sense. I’ve said that to say this; GEORGE ZIMMERMAN KILLED TRAYVON MARTIN. The idiot(s) who waste breath and brain cells in thinking or saying that a GUN killed Trayvon is the reason why there is such a misconception about guns and the people who own them.

Owning a firearm is a right protected by the Constitution of the United States. This right is exercised by millions of Americans including this one. As far as I know, my shotgun has yet to kill anyone. Now it could be living some kind of double life and be the most prolific serial killer ever, but I doubt it. Then again I’ve been wrong before, just ask my ex.

There is this little mechanism all guns have than sets into motion a series of actions to cause that gun to fire, it’s called a trigger. I have yet to see a gun that did not need any kind of human action to fire. Thus, a gun did not kill Trayvon Martin. A crazy, ignorant, wannabe cop, arrogant racists PERSON killed Trayvon Martin.

It’s bad enough I had to hear that ignorant comment but then I turn on the news and there’s a clip of someone who was part of a discussion about the Trayvon Martin case that made the 2nd stupidest statement I heard about all this. I’m gonna quote as close as possible:

“It’s funny because the same people, politicians and governors who push for laws that allow people to use guns to protect themselves are also pushing to get prayer back in schools. So its ok to preach about turning the other cheek but don’t mess with me because I will shoot you? It’s hypocrisy!”

If this idiot had half a brain, at least part of it would have caught some of this nonsense before it had a chance to leave his mouth. Apparently, because I believe in God and I want my child to pray at school if he wants to, I should just let someone break into my home and kill me and my son. Nah! Not gonna happen without a fight. Yes Jesus turned the other cheek. He was the son of God and could have stopped everything that happened to him by just blinking his weak eye! The purpose for him walking this planet in human form was to die for our sins! You cannot compare any situation in which we face life or death situations with how Jesus handled everything leading up to and including his crucifixion.

If you use situations as this to try to gain support to further restrict access to firearms, you are a pitiful person to say the very least. If you make it harder for law abiding citizens to purchase guns, then you’re opening the flood gates for the criminals. Outlaw guns then only outlaws will have guns. A truer statement has never been spoken. I think here in North Carolina, we have enough laws governing the purchase of guns and the use of force (although I think some should be tweaked). The fact that Zimmerman had a gun is something that should be looked at. The guy has a record of a violent past but was able to obtain a permit. I’m not sure how the permit process works in Florida, but here, there is a background check and the sheriff issues the permit. For a conceal carry permit, there is a class in which the laws of using deadly force are taught then a check is conducted by the SBI. If everything is clean then the permit is granted.

So no, the Bushmaster XM-15 semiautomatic .223 caliber rifle was not the DC sniper! It was a tool used by John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo. The Walther P22 and Glock 19 didn’t just get up one morning and decide to kill 32 people at Virginia Tech! That decision was made by Seung-Hui Cho (I will say his best decision was to shoot himself). As for the M-4 and M9, they didn’t get drunk and kill 17 Afghani citizens! Robert Bales was the person pulling those triggers! Guns don’t kill people, people kill people!

For all you people who want to do away with guns and use tragic situations to use the fear to get your “point” across, I will not protect you with my firearms in the event of a zombie apocalypse! I’ll just tell you to turn the other brain! (I had to!) Making these stupid comments or even thinking these thoughts have made you my close encounter of the STUUUUUUPID kind!!! I shall leave you this evening with a quote:

"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.” - Isoroku Yamamoto, Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II.