Ok, for everyone who didn’t know, I allow comments on this blog. So far, 99.999999999% of the comments have been good. There has just been one bad comment made on this blog about what I am doing. The bad comment came on my last post and if you’re too lazy to go check it out, I have it readily available for your reading pleasure.
Anonymous said...
Why do you consist on trying to make people look and feel stupid or talk about them behind their back. To me, it seems as if your a low life person and don't have anything else to do other jacking off. Your the FUCKING IDIOT.
I would like to take this opportunity to address this issue.
Dear Anonymous,
First of all, I would like to thank you for the comment. Your comment shows me that you really want to voice your opinion. I knew before starting this blog that I would encounter people who did not share the same views on things as I do. That’s fine. I served 4 years in the Army to ensure that I as well as anyone else in America could say whatever they wanted to say about anything they want to say it about.
I can see your comment was heartfelt. From what I read, you have the anger of a 14 year old outcast bottled up in the body of a 30 year old. That’s fine. The problem I DO have with the comment is how idiotic it is. Not only do you not use proper English, you do not use something called common sense.
Let’s start with the first sentence. It reads: “Why do you consist on trying to make people look and feel stupid or talk about them behind their back.”
You started the sentence very well. The first 3 words had me going. Then you threw in “consist” and fucked the whole thing up. Even though “consist” is a word, you did not use it in the right context. The word “consist” means made up of or composed of. I think the word you really wanted to use is “insist” which means to be firm in a demand or course. It’s ok Anonymous. I understand. We all make mistakes. But if you’re keeping score, it is 1-0 my favor.
Let’s stay with the same sentence Anonymous. I am not TRYING to make people look or feel stupid. I think they are doing a good job of it themselves. All I am doing is making it known to all my friends and people like you. No, I’m not sorry if I struck a nerve. Like my friend Soul Shadow said, you must have been the guy in the car or you’re guilty of something else you’ve seen on my blog. It’s ok. I’m not trying to judge you. But an update of the score looks like this: Ox-2 Anonymous-0
Another point I would like to bring to your attention Anonymous, I THINK you asked a question but I do not see a question mark. What’s up with that? Are question marks illegal in the land of the stupid or were you just too lazy to press and hold the left shift key and then press the “/” button? Ox-3 Anonymous-0
Ok let’s move on to sentence number 2.
Yet again you started out very strong. You even included a comma to add a dramatic pause. Very nice work thus far! What we must address is the fact that you do not know the difference between “your” and “you’re.” It’s ok, I will attempt to educate the stupid. When the word “your” is used, it shows possession of the noun. For example, YOUR COMMENT WAS FUCKING STUPID. Notice how the noun “comment” belongs to you and thus becomes YOUR COMMENT. You use the word “you’re” in the place of “you are.” That is what we call a contraction. All we do is drop the “a” from “are” and slide it next to “you” then throw in an apostrophe to make the word “you’re.” So, instead of saying “YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT AND SHOULD TAKE A LONG WALK ON A SHORT PIER.,” we can say “YOU’RE A FUCKING IDIOT AND SHOULD TAKE A LONG WALK ON A SHORT PIER.” Can you see a difference? Ox-4 Anonymous-0
Don’t worry, I’m almost finished. Same sentence still. The part where you said I do nothing but jack off. I’m not an English professor by any means but I think you forgot a word there. Let’s take a look: “To me, it seems as if your a low life person and don't have anything else to do other jacking off.” Yeah, I’m sure of it. You did not include the word “than.” It should have read something like this: “ANONYMOUS, YOU’RE A FUCKING IDIOT AND YOU HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN TO OPEN YOUSELF UP FOR RIDICULE AND DISGRACE.” I like the sound of that one! Ox-5 Anonymous-0
Again on the last sentence, you confused “your” and “you’re.” I won’t allow myself to take a point on that one again. But, I will give you credit; you use caps to emphasize a point! Ox-5 Anonymous-1
So Anonymous, not only do you not know proper English but you also lack common sense. I never had to make anyone look stupid. People do it to themselves. All I do is make people like yourself be known to everyone I know. If it makes you feel bad, then don’t be stupid. It’s that simple.
One more thing, I think you are a little bitch that tried to sound intelligent by that dumb fucking comment. If you want acceptance in the world, solve world hunger or something. Don’t come on my blog trying to make me look like an idiot when it’s obvious you’re the idiot. It’s clear to see that you’re too much of a pussy to even give a name on or in your comment. But that’s ok; I understand that cowards hide in the dark. So continue to comment on my blog under Anonymous, that’s what it’s there for, punk ass bitches like you! Oh yeah by the way, I WIN! FINAL SCORE 5-1 OX WINS!!!!
In closing, thank you Anonymous for without you this post would not have been made possible. Be proud because you are my close encounter of the stupid kind!
Monday, May 15, 2006
Monday, May 08, 2006
What's Wrong With this Picture!?

Ok a while back I talked about how much it pisses me off to see someone cruising in a convertible with the top down and the windows up! I got some comments about that. One of the comments made me feel bad for about 3 seconds. The comment was "Well some people keep the windows up so the wind won't blow their hair around while they're driving." Ok. That one almost got me, UNTIL someone snapped this picture. As you can see the driver has the top down, the windows up, and a hat on his head. Ok, so call me crazy but I think that argument just got blown out of the water! So now, there is absolutely no reason why anyone with a drop top should have the windows up when the top is down! If you're one of the people who keep the windows up and you're reading this, you need to re-evaluate your self-worth. You're ignorant to the concept of a convertible. You're nothing but an oxygen thief and I wish you would stop depriving some village of its local idiot.
Oh yeah I almost forgot, you're also my close encounter of the stupid kind.......again!
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